
CloudFoundry Attributes

CloudFoundry resource attributes.

AttributeTypeDescriptionExamplesStability guid of the application. [1]218fc5a9-a5f1-4b54-aa05-46717d0ab26dExperimental index of the application instance. 0 when just one instance is active. [2]0; 1Experimental name of the application. [3]my-app-nameExperimental guid of the CloudFoundry org the application is running in. [4]218fc5a9-a5f1-4b54-aa05-46717d0ab26dExperimental name of the CloudFoundry organization the app is running in. [5]my-org-nameExperimental
cloudfoundry.process.idstringThe UID identifying the process. [6]218fc5a9-a5f1-4b54-aa05-46717d0ab26dExperimental
cloudfoundry.process.typestringThe type of process. [7]webExperimental guid of the CloudFoundry space the application is running in. [8]218fc5a9-a5f1-4b54-aa05-46717d0ab26dExperimental name of the CloudFoundry space the application is running in. [9]my-space-nameExperimental
cloudfoundry.system.idstringA guid or another name describing the event source. [10]cf/gorouterExperimental
cloudfoundry.system.instance.idstringA guid describing the concrete instance of the event source. [11]218fc5a9-a5f1-4b54-aa05-46717d0ab26dExperimental

[1]: Application instrumentation should use the value from environment variable VCAP_APPLICATION.application_id. This is the same value as reported by cf app <app-name> --guid.

[2]: CloudFoundry defines the instance_id in the Loggegator v2 envelope. It is used for logs and metrics emitted by CloudFoundry. It is supposed to contain the application instance index for applications deployed on the runtime.

Application instrumentation should use the value from environment variable CF_INSTANCE_INDEX.

[3]: Application instrumentation should use the value from environment variable VCAP_APPLICATION.application_name. This is the same value as reported by cf apps.

[4]: Application instrumentation should use the value from environment variable VCAP_APPLICATION.org_id. This is the same value as reported by cf org <org-name> --guid.

[5]: Application instrumentation should use the value from environment variable VCAP_APPLICATION.org_name. This is the same value as reported by cf orgs.

[6]: Application instrumentation should use the value from environment variable VCAP_APPLICATION.process_id. It is supposed to be equal to VCAP_APPLICATION.app_id for applications deployed to the runtime. For system components, this could be the actual PID.

[7]: CloudFoundry applications can consist of multiple jobs. Usually the main process will be of type web. There can be additional background tasks or side-cars with different process types.

[8]: Application instrumentation should use the value from environment variable VCAP_APPLICATION.space_id. This is the same value as reported by cf space <space-name> --guid.

[9]: Application instrumentation should use the value from environment variable VCAP_APPLICATION.space_name. This is the same value as reported by cf spaces.

[10]: CloudFoundry defines the source_id in the Loggregator v2 envelope. It is used for logs and metrics emitted by CloudFoundry. It is supposed to contain the component name, e.g. “gorouter”, for CloudFoundry components.

When system components are instrumented, values from the Bosh spec should be used. The should be set to spec.deployment/

[11]: CloudFoundry defines the instance_id in the Loggregator v2 envelope. It is used for logs and metrics emitted by CloudFoundry. It is supposed to contain the vm id for CloudFoundry components.

When system components are instrumented, values from the Bosh spec should be used. The should be set to