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Instrumentar consiste en añadir el código de observabilidad a una app.
Si estás instrumentando una app, necesitas usar el SDK de OpenTelemetry para tu lenguaje. Luego debes usar el SDK para inicializar OpenTelemetry y la API para instrumentar tu código. Esto emitirá telemetría desde tu app, y de cualquier librería que hayas instalado que también esté instrumentada.
Si estás instrumentando una librería, tan solo instala el paquete de OpenTelemetry API para tu lenguaje. Tu librería no emitirá telemetría por si sola. Solo lo hará cuando sea parte de una app que use el SDK de OpenTelemetry. Para más información sobre instrumentación de librerías, consulta Librerías.
Para más información sobre la API y el SDK de OpenTelemetry, consulta la especificación.
OpenTelemetry Swift provides limited functionality in its default configuration. For more useful functionality, some configuration is required.
The default registered TracerProvider
and MetricProvider
are not configured
with an exporter. There are several
available depending on your needs. Below we will explore configuring the OTLP
exporter, which can be used for sending data to the
import GRPC
import OpenTelemetryApi
import OpenTelemetrySdk
import OpenTelemetryProtocolExporter
// initialize the OtlpTraceExporter
let otlpConfiguration = OtlpConfiguration(timeout: OtlpConfiguration.DefaultTimeoutInterval)
let grpcChannel = ClientConnection.usingPlatformAppropriateTLS(for: MultiThreadedEventLoopGroup(numberOfThreads:1))
.connect(host: <collector host>, port: <collector port>)
let traceExporter = OtlpTraceExporter(channel: grpcChannel,
config: otlpConfiguration)
// build & register the Tracer Provider using the built otlp trace exporter
OpenTelemetry.registerTracerProvider(tracerProvider: TracerProviderBuilder()
.add(spanProcessor:SimpleSpanProcessor(spanExporter: traceExporter))
.with(resource: Resource())
A similar pattern is used for the OtlpMetricExporter:
// otlpConfiguration & grpcChannel can be reused
OpenTelemetry.registerMeterProvider(meterProvider: MeterProviderBuilder()
.with(processor: MetricProcessorSdk())
.with(exporter: OtlpMetricExporter(channel: channel, config: otlpConfiguration))
.with(resource: Resource())
After configuring the MeterProvider & TracerProvider all subsequently initialized instrumentation will be exporting using this OTLP exporter.
Acquiring a Tracer
To do tracing, you will need a tracer. A tracer is acquired through the tracer provider and is responsible for creating spans. The OpenTelemetry manages the tracer provider as we defined and registered above. A tracer requires an instrumentation name, and an optional version to be created:
let tracer = OpenTelemetry.instance.tracerProvider.get(instrumentationName: "instrumentation-library-name", instrumentationVersion: "1.0.0")
Creating Spans
A span represents a unit of work or operation. Spans are the building blocks of Traces. To create a span use the span builder associated with the tracer:
let span = tracer.spanBuilder(spanName: "\(name)").startSpan()
It is required to call end()
to end the span.
Creating Nested Spans
Spans are used to build relationship between operations. Below is an example of how we can manually build relationship between spans.
Below we have parent()
calling child()
and how to manually link spans of
each of these methods.
func parent() {
let parentSpan = someTracer.spanBuilder(spanName: "parent span").startSpan()
child(span: parentSpan)
func child(parentSpan: Span) {
let childSpan = someTracer.spanBuilder(spanName: "child span")
// do work
The parent-child relationship will be automatically linked if activeSpan
func parent() {
let parentSpan = someTracer.spanBuilder(spanName: "parent span")
.setActive(true) // automatically sets context
func child() {
let childSpan = someTracer.spanBuilder(spanName: "child span")
.startSpan() //automatically captures `active span` as parent
// do work
Getting the Current Span
Sometimes it’s useful to do something with the current/active span. Here’s how to access the current span from an arbitrary point in your code.
let currentSpan = OpenTelemetry.instance.contextProvider.activeSpan
Span Attributes
Spans can also be annotated with additional attributes. All spans will be
automatically annotated with the Resource
attributes attached to the tracer
provider. The Opentelemetry-swift SDK already provides instrumentation of common
attributes in the SDKResourceExtension
instrumentation. In this example a span
for a network request capturing details about that request using existing
semantic conventions.
let span = tracer.spanBuilder("/resource/path").startSpan()
span.setAttribute("http.method", "GET");
span.setAttribute("http.url", url.toString());
Creating Span Events
A Span Event can be thought of as a structured log message (or annotation) on a Span, typically used to denote a meaningful, singular point in time during the Span’s duration.
let attributes = [
"key" : AttributeValue.string("value"),
"result" :
span.addEvent(name: "computation complete", attributes: attributes)
Setting Span Status
A Status can be set on a
Span, typically used to specify that a
Span has not completed successfully - Error
. By default, all spans are
, which means a span completed without error. The Ok
status is reserved
for when you need to explicitly mark a span as successful rather than stick with
the default of Unset
(i.e., “without error”).
The status can be set at any time before the span is finished.
func myFunction() {
let span = someTracer.spanBuilder(spanName: "my span").startSpan()
defer {
guard let criticalData = get() else {
span.status = .error(description: "something bad happened")
// do something
Recording exceptions in Spans
Semantic conventions provide special demarcation for events that record exceptions:
let span = someTracer.spanBuilder(spanName: "my span").startSpan()
do {
try throwingFunction()
} catch {
span.addEvent(name: SemanticAttributes.exception.rawValue,
attributes: [SemanticAttributes.exceptionType.rawValue: AttributeValue.string(String(describing: type(of: error))),
SemanticAttributes.exceptionEscaped.rawValue: AttributeValue.bool(false),
SemanticAttributes.exceptionMessage.rawValue: AttributeValue.string(error.localizedDescription)])
span.status = .error(description: error.localizedDescription)
The documentation for the metrics API & SDK is missing, you can help make it available by editing this page.
The logs API & SDK are currently under development.
SDK Configuration
Different Span processors are offered by OpenTelemetry-swift. The
immediately forwards ended spans to the exporter, while
the BatchSpanProcessor
batches them and sends them in bulk. Multiple Span
processors can be configured to be active at the same time using the
. For example, you may create a SimpleSpanProcessor
exports to a logger, and a BatchSpanProcessor
that exports to a OpenTelemetry
let otlpConfiguration = OtlpConfiguration(timeout: OtlpConfiguration.DefaultTimeoutInterval)
let grpcChannel = ClientConnection.usingPlatformAppropriateTLS(for: MultiThreadedEventLoopGroup(numberOfThreads:1))
.connect(host: <collector host>, port: <collector port>)
let traceExporter = OtlpTraceExporter(channel: grpcChannel
config: otlpConfiguration)
// build & register the Tracer Provider using the built otlp trace exporter
OpenTelemetry.registerTracerProvider(tracerProvider: TracerProviderBuilder()
.add(spanProcessor:BatchSpanProcessor(spanExporter: traceExporter))
.add(spanProcessor:SimpleSpanProcessor(spanExporter: StdoutExporter))
.with(resource: Resource())
The batch span processor allows for a variety of parameters for customization including.
OpenTelemetry-Swift provides the following exporters:
: Keeps the span data in memory. This is useful for testing and debugging.DatadogExporter
: Converts OpenTelemetry span data to Datadog traces & span Events to Datadog logs.JaegerExporter
: Converts OpenTelemetry span data to Jaeger format and exports to a Jaeger endpoint.- Persistence exporter: An exporter decorator that provides data persistence to existing metric and trace exporters.
: Converts metric data to Prometheus format and exports to a Prometheus endpoint.StdoutExporter
: Exports span data to Stdout. Useful for debugging.ZipkinTraceExporter
: Exports span data to Zipkin format to a Zipkin endpoint.
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